My youngest and smallest child. Big fan of running around and just randomly flopping on the floor. Chrips like a bird more than she meows. Her name is pronouced Kah-shuh and we found her roaming the streets of Plains

Middle child that plays fetch. Her name is pronouced Knee-Lee and shes a slight crackhead on occasion. Big fan of waking up and immediately getting the zoomies. All my friends make fun of her for her eyes, but she is sweet and will do anything for food

Oldest child that only loves me. Big meanie to everyone and everything (except me). She thinks that she is the ruler of the world and is slightly bipolar and does not know how she wants to feel. Will fight other people or cats, yet is scared of the slightest unfamiliar noise. Her name is pronounced Kuh-neck-knee

Kleo is sadly no longer with us, but she lived to an astonishing 23 years old and she shall never be forgotten. Outsode cat for her entire life and she ran the streets. Respected elder cat